JARC’s LinkUp program received a major boost with a recent grant from The Jewish Fund Teen Board.
For all young adults, having friends, being socially included and truly feeling like you are part of the community are vital for having a meaningful, fulfilling and happy life. For young adults with Developmental Disabilities, these essential parts of life can be lacking. The LinkUp program directly addresses these challenges by providing year-round programming with an array of robust social opportunities as well as community service projects. LinkUp’s inclusive culture allows participants to make new friends, expand their social skills and for those individuals that may want to move out of their parents’ home, they may even meet a potential roommate!
“We are thankful that The Jewish Fund Teen Board realizes the importance of funding programs that provide inclusion for people with disabilities, and made it a priority in their 2016-2017 grant making process,” said David Carroll, JARC President and Interim CEO. “This generous grant will provide a positive impact on the lives of the LinkUp participants…for years to come!”
(L to R): David Carroll, JARC Board President, Monee Whitney, JARC LinkUp Coordinator, Rena Friedberg JARC Chief Philanthropy Officer, and Teen Board Members Ilan Elrom, Hugh Camiener, Charles Gertner. (photo courtesy of John Hardwick)