JARC announces 2017 - 2018 Officers & Board Members
Board member reunion adds new twist to meeting
Farmington Hills MI, July 14, 2017: JARC added a new twist to their 48th Annual Meeting this year, by incorporating a Board Member Reunion into their meeting. The meeting was held in Farmington Hills, and hosted by the 6 lovely ladies and their dedicated staff at the Nusbaum Home – one of JARC’s family group homes. JARC board alumni , from as far back as 1981 attended the meeting to re-connect, share best practices and recognize those board members completing their terms of office as well as acknowledging its newest members.
Of note, David Carroll will continue as president of the board for the second year of his term. He is currently also serving at the organization’s Interim CEO. Howard Luckoff, General Counsel of Rock Ventures was announced as the president elect, and will be taking over in July 2018. Other elected and re-elected officers included Dani Gillman, Joshua Tobias, Jason Weiss as Vice Presidents; Miriam Leventhal as Secretary; and Dolores Galea as Treasurer.
David Carroll expressed his gratitude to the 7 board members that were completing their terms of office, saying “we are thankful for the passion and hard work that these board members have given on behalf of JARC. Their commitment to JARC has helped us continue to Enrich Lives and Erase Barriers for the people we serve”. Those completing their terms include: Adam Becker, Amy Berlin, H. Adam Cohen, Marcy Colton, Eli Scherr and Janis Shulman. Also recognized were the newly elected board members: Aaron Beresh, Andrew Luckoff and Marc Schechter.
The remaining board members that were re-elected or are continuing to serve their term include Joanne Aronovitz, Michelle Bass, Lisa Brown, Daniel Collins, Jodi Fox, Ken Garfinkel, Joshua Jacobs, Adam Jahnke, Barbara Jonas, Deborah Kovsky-Apap, Lori Larsen, Lisa Pernick, and Dan Wiener.
Continuing officers of the JARC Foundation are David Grand, President; Robert Kaplow, Secretary, Ron Applebaum, Treasurer. Foundation directors include Jonathan Aaron, Craig Erlich, Julie Hertzberg and Robert Nusbaum.
David Carroll, Current JARC Board President with Michael Feldman, Former JARC Board President (from 1986-1989)
JARC is based in Farmington Hills, Michigan JARC is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization serving people with disabilities. Individuals with developmental disabilities are served in over 80 locations in the community, including group homes, independent living programs, and in-home services for children and adults living at home with their families. For more information on JARC, visit www.jarc.org or call 248.538.6611.
Carol Kaczander, former Board Member and current JARC staff, with Bill Cohen, Former JARC Board President (from 1997-2000)
Ron Applebaum, Former JARC Board President (from 2012-2014), with Lisa Brown, Oakland County Clerk and Current JARC Board Member.